Rather Ranty & Bigly Badass Enamel Pin Badge, the ideal gift for someone who is Rather Ranty & Bigly Badass.
Our brand new range of pins are a little bit of fun designed to send to friends as a tongue-in-cheek "remind you of anyone??" gift.
Or buy them for yourself as a way of owning those fabulous idiosynchrasies - because the judgy ones are often right, the vaguely weird ones are usually wonderful and let's not get started on those who are just a little bit too clever for anyone's good :)
Never meant as a mean or spiteful comment, most of these come from personal experience and if I can be unapologetic, then so can you! Grab the set and decide later on who gets what or buy them for yourself as badges of honour!
Go on, we dare you.
This one is my personal favourite as I 'cuss like a navvy' and father told me that, after a lifetime of believing only the inarticulate swear, I had proven him entirely wrong.