Indulge in the joy of self-expression and gift-giving with our Signature Style Name Necklace with 6 font options to choose from.
Explore our collection and discover the beauty of wearing a piece that is as unique as you are. Order yours today and let your name shine in a truly special way.
Finish: Sterling Silver ∙ 18K Gold Plated ∙ Rose Gold Plated
Our designers go straight to work on your order as soon as it has been placed, so any changes or cancellations requested after 1 hour of placing your order cannot be guaranteed because the order might already be in production.
This piece will be custom-made for you by hand in our studio with love and care. We can't accept returns on customised pieces.
18K Gold Plated
Rose Gold Plated
Please enter the NAME you'd like in the PERSONALISATION BOX.
Fonts are shown in the images. NAME will appear exactly as written by you (Lower/Upper Case).