Our personalised circle design knitting wool cotton craft storage tote bag is a popular gift bag for any knitting, sewing or crochet enthusiast.
These make the perfect storage bag for your bags of wool, fabric off cuts and any other crafty bits that you want to stash away or even carry with you.
If you attend crochet classes this is perfect for carrying your wool in, or simply when you are on the move and want your crochet or crafty bits with you, on the train, the bus or just to store your current project in.
These bags make the perfect gift for any occasion, Birthdays, Valentine's, Christmas, Weddings, Anniversaries, Easter, Mother's Day, or if you just want to treat a special family member or friend. They even make a great gift for Teachers.
The bag is available with Short Handles or Long Handles.
The short handled bag is perfect for just slipping on your arm, and the longer handled bag is also great for carrying on your shoulder and allowing your hands to be free for shopping.
Any name can also be printed on the front of this bag.