This magnifying bug catcher/bucket would make the perfect gift for a junior explorer with an interest in insects!
Make Exploring In The Garden Extra Fun | This magnifying bug catcher/bucket would make the perfect gift for a junior explorer with an interest in insects! Keeping your little one occupied for hours!
Creativity | Make outdoor adventures more fun with our magnifying bug catcher. Collecting bugs is a gret way to teach your little explorer all about creepy crawlies and the wonderful natuarl world that surrounds them. Once you have inspected your bugs be sure to release then back into their natual habitat.
Gifting | This bug bucket comes with a lovely swing tag, making it a nice thoughtful gift for a little one. This is suitable for children aged 3years +
Dimensions : Height: 11cm x Width: 11cm x Depth: 11cm | From CGB Giftware's Little Tribe Collection | CGB Code: GB06454