Charlie-Milly Design is the creation of Hannah Cotterell who makes and personalises unique bags which have been designed for every occasion.
The bags are perfect as a gift for Birthdays, Christening, Christmas and great for those weekends away. They can also be personalised to provide a truly special present. Each of the bags are sourced from eco-friendly and fair trade companies taking into consideration the welbeing of the makers and the environment.
Having a background in textile design, Hannah sources a range of traditional, vintage, contemporary and floral fabrics and puts those to use in unique and original ways in order to create not only functional bags but ones that are personalised, decorative, bright and fun to use and display.
Since launching her range Hannah has seen many of her bags been used at nursery and school to livening up coat hooks and bedroom doors in the home. With each individually handmade bag offering a cool and contemporary look they provide a great way to carry around and store the "little ones" life’s necessities.
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Gild Low, Moor Road, Great Longstone, Derbyshire, DE45 1UA, GB
Personalised items may not be returned for a refund unless faulty. Please remember all items are handmade and vary in appearance from each item making them all individual.
Please see's terms & conditions.