Colours in this Felt Bundle are: Turquoise V5 x 2, marl soot V22, marl purple V17, marl fawn V10, flesh pink 18, red 31, cream 40, sand 48, meadow V3, terracotta 44, natural/white 45 x 2, gold 112 x 2, marl grey V1, marl turquoise V4, mustard V2, teal V9, moss 60, fawn 41, dahlia 34, black 74, crimson 32 and sable 43
These beautiful delicately embroidered decorations will grace any home all year round but can be used as part of a seasonal decor dotted around the house, as a garland, mobile or hung on the tree. Homemade decorations are especially treasured and will be enjoyed for years to come. The collection can also be bought as 12 Days of Christmas Felt Kits - The Whole Set or individually:
Turtle Dove
French Hen
Colly Bird
Gold Ring
Goose a-Laying
Swan a-Swimming
Maid a-Milking
Dancing Shoes
Lord a-Leaping
Piper Piping
We do think they're far too pretty to be put away come January.
Corinne's projects are suitable for crafters of all abilities, including those just starting out, and anyone looking for an imaginative gift.