Real Flower Bouquet featuring cerice germini, orange lilies, yellow roses and yellow chrysanthemum santini - Hand Tied with a lace bow.
A Colourful Vibrant Fresh Flower Bouquet PosyA Beautiful Arrangement Bouquet of:
- Cerice Germini
- Orange Lilies
- Yellow Roses
- Yellow Chrysanthemum
- Santini
arefully styled, hand arranged and tied by our expert florists to ensure that this vibrant and colourful bouquet of premium fresh flowers look good in any room. The beautiful vibrant posy of Lillies and Yellow Roses is set against a background of the freshest green foliage to create a stunning attractive display.
A bunch of flowers that's suitable for a Happy Birthday Gift, an Anniversary Present or just about any occasion!
- A Beautiful Arrangement of Fresh Vibrant Flowers
- Wonderfully Hand Arranged by Expert Florists
- The Perfect Gift to add focus to any room
Please note that the Vase depicted is not included