100% recycled paper packet, foil or glassine packet for seed freshness.
With thanks to Habitat Aid, these seeds also support a number of charities, including Gardening for Disabled Trust, The Hawk and Owl Trust, The Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Amphibian and Reptile Groups' 100% Fund, Buglife, Butterfly Conservation and more!
Full species list: Centaurea cyanus | Cornflower Glebionis segetum | Corn Marigold Papaver rhoeas | Corn Poppy Myosotis Arvensis | Field forget-me-not Lotus corniculatus | Bird's-foot trefoil Dipsacus fullonum | Teasel Echium vulgare | Viper's Bugloss Reseda lutea | Wild mignonette Centaurea nigra | Common Knapweed Galium verum | Lady's Bedstraw Knautia arvensis | Field Scabious Origanum vulgare | Wild Marjoram Trifolium pratense | Wild red clover Prunella vulgaris | Selfheal Silene dioica | Red Campion Silene flos-cuculi | Ragged Robin Silene latifolia | White Campion Stachys sylvatica | Hedge Woundwort Vicia cracca | Tufted Vetch Vicia sepium | Bush Vetch though exact mix may vary.
Please note that as the outer packet is 100% recycled paper it may have small variations of different textures or colours in it.