A fantastic monthly stationery or activity bundle subscription service designed especially for little ones.
Each month your little one shall receive a personalised stationer or activity bundle featuring a different character theme each time. A little note will be popped inside their first bundle welcoming them their subscription explaining that there will be more bundles to follow. A personalised message from yourself can also be included at no extra charge.
Such a fabulous monthly treat to look forward to and of course what child doesn't love to receive parcels through the post..?
You can choose to send just stationery bundles, just activity bundles or perhaps request a combination of the two styles throughout their subscription length.
A really lovely gift that guarantees to bring a smile month after month after month
Personalised in either boy or girl themed designs and the option to choose either activity or stationery bundle packs.
Available as a 3 month, 6 month or a 12 month susbcription.