A fantastic, colourful, funny book exploring the role of 'The Dad'. Packed with personalisation, jokes and even facts about the year Dad was born.
A unique gift for a child, or children to give their Dad. Perfect for new Dads, Father's Day and Birthdays this will bring a smile to any Dad's face.
The ‘Dad’ is a unique creature. An expert in many things. A master joke teller, a lifter of all things heavy and an opener of all things stuck. This book explores his life BC (Before Children) and how much better it is now he’s a Dad!
This book also lightheartedly pokes fun at some of the stereotypical things some dads do or can't do, say or think!
The book is full of personalisation. Starting with the front cover that features the child(ren)'s name. The story follows the Daddy Lion and his cub(s), it shows Dad in his natural habitat (eg. Exeter) doing the things that the Dad and cub like to do (eg. Read comics together.) It shows the inner workings of Dad's brain, which is mostly taken up with his hobby (eg. football.)
We learn how boring Dad's life was before the child(ren) came along, a time when Dad used to have a real name, 'lie-ins', money and uninterrupted grown up conversations!
The book then explains that Dad is very old and features a newspaper that includes headlines from the year that he was born, along with funny 'Dad based' articles and jokes about him being old. We read about life in the 'olden days'. A time without satnav, digital music, mobile phones or the internet!
The story finishes with a list of Dad's expert skills, which include comedy, waste and disposal management, opening things and most importantly:
"Being a wonderful Dad to me/us!"