The paper is full of quizzes and pictures for children to complete before giving to their grandad, plus some puzzles for him to do, and lots lots more.
The newspaper is also filled with hilarious spoof articles, including a 'Step By Step Guide To A Night Away', an incredible problem page with 'Dear Dickie' ('Your problems swerved. In typical male fashion'), an advertisement for a special 'Grandad Fairground' and a classifieds page which includes a grandad job description!
If you've ever chuckled at a joke news article in Viz, or enjoy the Daily Mash, then you'll love this paper (and not a rude word in sight)! This fun product lightheartedly pokes fun at some of the stereotypical things some grandads do or can't do, say or think!
This amazing personalised gift is guaranteed to make any grandad smile!
The spaces for the children to fill in include prompts like:
"How old is your grandad?" "What makes him smile?" "What is his favourite food?" "What does your grand do when you're not around?"
There is also a multiple choice quiz, which determines what kind of grandfather you have, is he Mostly A's - 'Great' Grandad, mostly B's - Grandpa In My Pocket, mostly C's - Grandfather Clock or mostly D's - Grandpa's Great Escape?
There is a tick list, where the child can tick all the things that their grandad is, including 'Funny', 'Clever', 'Cool', 'Brave' etc, and all the things Grandad is good at, including 'Cuddling', 'Singing', Listening' etc.
There are also spaces to draw grandad doing his job, design a chocolate bar for your grandad, draw grandad with his family, a 'fill in the blanks' writing game, and plenty of spaces to write messages to him.