A fabulous pen stand in the shape of an antique book and featuring four replica golf balls from the earliest days until the 1890's.
Ideal for the keen golfer as a birthday gift or to celebrate that great round.
The perfect desk accessory for the golfing fan. The pen stand is in the shape of a faux book and features 4 replica golfballs, telling the story of the development of the golf ball. the four balls are:-
The 'Feathery ' ball, used for hundreds of years up to the early 1850's.
The hand nicked 'Gutty Percha' ball in the style of Allan Robertson late 1850's.
The Mesh mold 'Machine Gutty' 1898.
The core wound bramble pattern 'Haskell' late 1890s. Manufactured by B F Goodrich, fore runner of the modern golf ball.