The fire pits do get warm. The heat is like having 5 candles in a circle, you could not hold your hands above it for long as would get too hot and could burn. In an enclosed space it can 'warm' the area or in the outdoors you would be able to warm your hands around it. They are generally used on a table for ambiance and great atmosphere with some warmth too.
Please ensure that the Fire Pit instructions are followed fully and the wicks are cut to 1mm above the metal wick holder before use. Also that only clear unscented lamp paraffin oil is used. We will not be able to refund or replace any Fire pits that have not followed these instructions.Not following these instructions can in some rare instances cause the glass to crack.
Stainless steel Glass and stones
Outdoor design - powder coated steel
Instructions are supplied with every lamp and normal clear unscented indoor lamp oil should be used. This can be purchsed in hardware shops, most garden centres or online. Not supplied.
Large pit 23Ø x 15cm - 118
Medium fire pit 20 Ø cm x 10cm
Square - 22.5cm x 22.5 cm x 10 cm