These handmade Sterling Silver cufflinks are created with your loved ones fingerprints!
The perfect gift. Your man can keep his loved ones with him at all times. What a great thing to stare at during boring meetings, or to fidget with during the wedding ceremony!For the father of your children...your groom to be...your grandfather...your brother. These cufflinks are perfect for your print and your spouse's, your wife and your child, your grandparents, etc. We can use the same print for both cufflinks, or a different print for each cufflink. Our cufflinks show the best prints from children over three years old. With younger children, results may vary.
No print kit is needed. This 'flat' design lets you capture a person's unque fingerprint without the need for one of our FingerPrint Kits, and preserves it forever in a unique and truly original piece of jewellery.
Handmade in sterling silver, you simply take the print using our simple instructions. All you need are a piece of plain white paper, a soft pencil and some clear sticky tape!
The prints can be the same or different on each cufflinks.
Taking the prints:
You will need a soft black pencil, white paper & sellotape.
1. Draw a sold black square on a piece of paper.
2. Press your finger firmly on the solid colour.
3. Lift up your finger and take a print of your finger using sellotape
4. Stick the sellotape down on the paper. (Its important the sellotape is free of dust and hair.)
5. Then simply email or post the print to us.