Please enter all the personalisation details as you would like them to appear - no text is automatically included, if you wish to have something a bit different then please do get in touch. Please note you can add more words if you wish to, just bear in mind the text will be smaller. For example you don't have to have a name you can have a quote ect.
Please ensure all personalisations are entered correctly before placing your order, changes cannot be gaurenteed as we process orders as soon as they are placed and cannot promise to change orders after they are received.
Add a stylish gift box to finish off your gift, choose from Kraft brown or white. Choose which colour ribbon you would like to have tied neatly in a bow around the box, making it read to give as soon as it is delivered.
Single notebooks will be sent as a large letter so it can fit through your door - so no more waiting in for the postman.
Please note coloured notebooks are only available with the just text option. Not available with the design choices - these are only available on the white notebook. PLEASE SEE ALL PHOTOS. The back of the notebook is blank, it is not an all over print.