Celebrate cherished memories with our Personalised Memorial Photo Plaque!
Our Personalised Memorial Photo Plaque is the perfect way to remember and honour the precious memories you shared with your beloved pet. This thoughtful and unique tribute allows you to keep your cherished memories close at hand.
Our Personalised Memorial Photo Plaque is the perfect way to remember and honour the precious memories you shared with your beloved pet. This thoughtful and unique tribute allows you to keep your cherished memories close at ha
Made from
Acrylic Glass 3mm - Acrylic Blocks in various sizes - We diamond polish all our acrylic blocks & plaques.
Production Process - UV Printed, We use High performance, state-of-the-art UV printers for all our acrylic printing. Our UV printers are the best of the best in UV printing technology, that allow us to be able to produce high quality products.
ACRYLIC PLAQUE – A5: Height 210mm - Width 148mm - Thickness 3mm
ACRYLIC PLAQUE – 5X7: Height 177mm - Width 127mm - Thickness 3mm
ACRYLIC BLOCK: 8cm x 8cm x 1.2cm, Dimond Polished & Free Standing
ACRYLIC BLOCK: 10cm x 10cm x 1.2cm, Dimond Polished & Free Standing
ACRYLIC BLOCK: 10cm x 10cm x 1.5cm, Dimond Polished & Free Standing
ACRYLIC BLOCK: 15cm x 15cm x 1.5cm, Dimond Polished & Free Standing
Product code