Make your get together with family this Christmas even more fun with this Festive quickfire True or False game.
Test your Christmas knowledge in this quick-fire trivia game, festive fun for the whole family. Players take it in turn to read a card whilst the other players decide whether the statement is true or false. The guessers reveal their answers all together using their true or false paddles. The player with the most points at the end of the game is crowned the True or False champion! Play as individuals if there's a small group of you, or team up if you're in a larger group.
Each box contains 4 or 8 double sided paddles and 60 double sided cards, and is designed to be played time and time again.
The paper in this product is FSC approved, coming from sustainably managed forests. The game and the packaging are both plastic free and fully home recyclable. So you can party with planet friendly vibes!