Mister Rosen Tells It Better
EDITORS’ NOTES: A tribute to the chosen one, Michael Wayne Rosen.
As you well-know by now, we really ought to keep our ramblings to ouselves. Until we somehow manage to state something worthwhile though, please allow us to parrot a gentleperson much wiser.
Once upon a while ago, we stumbled upon a duo of quotations from Mr Rosen. The first of which, we likely misinterpreted, because, in truth, it’s probably how we personally was feeling during a quite problematic period, “Sometimes I don't want to talk about it. Not to anyone. No one. No one at all. I just want to think about it on my own. Because it is mine. And no one else's.” It’s the second one, however, which triggers in us if ever we catch ouselves feeling like the first description, “Anyone who was once a child should at least have one children’s book in them”. My greatest aspiration. It helps us refocus.
‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ was of the first few books we ever read, and no matter how difficult or muddied any moment has since appeared, it’s been when glancing back through a more colourful lens that we most remember the need to trust the youth in me to help steer our vessel forward.
*Gratefully made to order.