UR Turn Permitted
EDITORS’ NOTES: A gentle tip of the hat to Mr. Sim Wong Hoo.
Who you are, is you. It is your turn. Every which way. It’s okay if you missed it today, tomorrow is round the corner.
Chances. Opportunities. Mis-Takes. During daily trips down blind alleys, over a hundred (plus) months, eventually, we made our greatest discovery. ‘It’ hit us flush in the face. Fortuitously. ‘Twas Autumnal outside, the light was low, and we was suffering a bad case of glazyitus. On that home stretch after one particular gruel, there, we met oursleves coming back… and we didn’t like who we saw one bit. Which felt strange, because, religiously, we always had tried to love people equally. Only, this was different. Our doppelgänger was a shadow of the individual who set out that cold decade ago. To shorten this side-rant, what followed our collision was a series of sharp turns. Our intention for the morrow is to look back a little less. Whichever way you go, do it your way.
*Gratefully made to order.