You Say Bum-Face, I Say Aum
EDITORS’ NOTES: “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never down you”.
Those are the vocals of John Entwistle still reverberating from 1981. ‘The Quiet One’. It rings true for us too, and for this creation, we must pay equal credit to a little McNasty who once summoned my attention with the cry “oi, Bum-Face”. Though his tone unpleasant, his eyes were actually rather friendly, well, we say that… what we mean is quite hard to describe, but, they looked at one another, y’know, each as baffled as the other. Quite charming actually, now we think about it.
So, Yep! you’re right, it is a mostly irrelevant story, however, with thanks to the above, we can now peace-out in pure cotton splendour.
*Gratefully made to order.