The perfect personalised greetings card to announce a new baby!
This personalised pregnancy announcement card is the perfect way of announcing your pregnancy to the future grandparents! The personalised grandparent to be card can be personalised with the grandparent title of your choice. Eg. Granny, Grandad, Grandpa, Nanna, Nanny, Grumps etc as well as the month and year of your choice. This personalised pregnancy announcement gift is a lovely and memorable way of telling your parents that they are going to be grandparents and the personalised card can be kept as a keepsake of the special moment they found out.
The personalised Pregnancy keepsake card also makes a great personalised gift for a granny to be, grandad to be, grandpa to be, nanny to be, nanna to be.
Why not personalise the heart for the whole family - including auntie to be and uncle to be.