Order a Book Subscription Gift Voucher as the perfect last minute gift.
These handy vouchers will be emailed to you via Not on the High Street and provide the recipient with everything they need to set up their personalised book subscription themself.
Just pick the subscription category (fiction, non fiction, young adult or children's) and timelength, and we will send you an emailed gift voucher through your Not on the High Street account.
The recipient can activate the subscription themselves on our website and provide information about their reading preferences, and where they would like us to send each book. They will then receive a beautifully wrapped book, hand picked just for them and tailored to their interests, chosen by our team of literary experts, and dispatched on the first day of every month.
Activation codes are valid for 12 months from date of purchase.
We also offer a monthly spoiler service or option to swap any books received if the recipient has already read them.
Please note our categories include the following subscription options which the recipient will be able to choose from:
Fiction - Classic, Contemporary, Personalised, Put Your Feet Up
Non Fiction - Cookery, Travel, History & Politics, Film
Kids - Baby, Toddler, Kids
Young Adult - Young Adult
Please note, subscriptions will need to be activated on our website. Once activated, subscriptions will commence on the first working day of the following month, so there is no risk of the subscription starting before you have given the welcome pack to the recipient.