A personalised special place road map blanket for kids, designed with roads leading to a child's 6 favourite destinations.
Make playtime super fun and sleep time super cozy with this personalised road play mat / blanket for kids.
Watch a childs imagination grow as they play with this personalised blanket, 'driving' their toys to favourite places, such as Nanny & Grandad's House or the beach.
Using a bold, unisex design, this personalised play blanket is the perfect addition to any young child's bedroom.
Makes a perfect first birthday gift for a one year old starting to explore the world, or a gift for an older child learning to play independently.
Choose up to 6 favourite destinations, such as Nanny and Grandad's house, Aunty Sarah's Flat, Nursery, or home.
Add text to the center of the blanket such as 'Harry's Adventures'.