Celebrate your birthday with a t shirt gift that is funny and cool.
Children love to show off their age on their clothing. Every additional month is an accomplishment. Until about 10 that is and then it all just sort of stops.
There's a growing amount of research that suggests women over 50 feel more confident, sexy, relaxed, uninhibited and powerful.
These tshirts champion seniority and dismiss the dreary stereotypes that we are supposed to conform to. I would love to see women happily wearing their age on their clothes again, and feel as proud of being 80 as they did of being 8. They've a damn sight more to be proud of for starters.
These numbers are printed with flock fabric onto organic cotton t shirts. We're happy to do them for men too. Please just write the age you'd like in the message box.
We are happy to write personal messages on request.