A collection crystals to help bring calm and balance . Each crystal comes with an information card and the set comes in a velvet pouch.
To soothe your soul with clarity and calm. This crystal enhances control of our emotions, promoting a balanced mind. It reminds us that our sensitivities, can become our greatest allies.
Black Tourmaline
Protection, Calm, Confidence. Black Tourmaline as a protector. It shields you from self-defeating thoughts,and will help you to put yourself first, instead of worrying about what others think.
Communication, Serenity, Peace. To have relationships means to connect and in this crazy age of technology, it's too easy to reach out into life through your phone. Consequently, there is something missing from what we are seeking there. Call in the feathered touch of Angelite to remind you of your connections to people and life at a human level.
The crystal healing described is not to be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine. If you have a serious health issue, please consult a healthcare professional for advice.