These beautiful vinyl record coasters are supplied in single individuals.
Made from real vinyl records.
Cut from real record from 1957 to present day - too many to list please enter the artist and we will make for you.
Real records feature detail on both sides unless cork bottom chosen.
Perfect for the music fan in your life.
To purchase as individual item. Just add quantity at basket. If ordering more than one we will select a mix and guarantee no duplications.
All label paper surface are gloss laminated to protect from fade, heat and moisture.
Priced per one item.
Supplied with a simple brown kraft envelope or upgrade to a gift/presentation, box with or without bows.
These are a wonderful way to keep the original and best form of music out for all to see.
Proof also available (we intend to send images soon after order is accepted)
Proofs are for your information and do not require a reply. Please feel free to contact us for any reason. We will send to meet the advertised delivery date.
Also available in 100’s of other artists.
Also available bowls, bookends cakestands – see our shop for listings