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The Story
I love my family. There’s (enter family names you want to include e.g.: Mummy and Daddy, my sister Olivia, Nanny Maxwell and Grandma and Grandad Harris)… and there’s me! Grandma and Grandad live in a (type of house e.g.: bungalow) in (town e.g.: St Albans). They like (favourite hobby e.g.: gardening and baking). Their house is a wonderful place to explore. They say all the rooms hold treasured memories…or is it just treasure? I see them (how often they see them e.g.: every few weeks). They always say how much I have grown. They love hearing about all my adventures, like (an activity the child loves e.g.: going to jumparoo). They always support me and cheer me on! They tell me what the world was like when they were little. It’s quite different to how it is now. We play lots of games together - my favourite is (favourite game e.g.: hide and seek). Sometimes I tire them out so we all have a nap. They love to spoil me with lots of treats and presents. My favourite is (favourite treat e.g.: Grandma’s cookies). They give me cuddles and kisses, and make me laugh when they tickle me. I make them laugh when (something funny e.g.: I fall over trying to walk). They always have time for me when everyone else is busy. My favourite time together is when we (favourite activity e.g.: read stories). I love that you’re my Grandma and Grandad, love Owen xxx