A handmade felt Daddy's Gold Star award card created especially for Father's Day.
It is a little known fact that gold stars are very special, and only super duper people are awarded them.
This gold star award card has been created especially for younger children to give to their Daddies this Father's Day.
This handmade Father's Day card has a small felt star in a blue oval and the words "Daddy’s Gold Star" in blue on the front.
The inside reads (in blue): "To … Happy Father’s Day… This Gold Star Has Been Awarded By… With Lots Of Love… For Being"
There’s space for little ones to write their name and why they think that their Daddy deserves a gold star. He is sure to enjoy receiving it just as much as they do writing and presenting it.
Be sure to check the card size at the bottom of this description.
There is even the choice of including a felt star keepsake to pop inside the card as a little extra surprise, so that it falls out in a ta-dah kind of way when opened.
The felt star keepsake to go inside the card is optional.
This card is also available in Dad and Grandad versions. Simply make your selection when placing your order.
The size of the keepsake can be found at the bottom of this description.