Why are pirates so great? Because they ARRRR! And so is this gorgeous typogrpahic print of the best pirate story of all, Treasure Island.
Following on from the success of our personalised Story of Us prints, we have applied the same style to a range of beautiful children's stories.
In this fantastic adventure, Robert Louis Stevenson introduced the world to treasure maps marked with an X, one legged sailors with parrots on their shoulder and the Black Spot!
Beautifully designed with a selection of distressed, textured fonts picking out highlights of the story and hand drawn illustrations, there is even space on the print for you to add one or two personailsed lines if you wish. You might want to add, something as simple as "what will your story be?" or personalise with the child's name and date of birth to make a unique and wonderful christening or birthday gift.
A great gift for any budding ship mate!