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We create personalised morse code song lyric prints to make your heart sing

We turn your chosen song lyrics into a beautifully intricate morse code art print. Each dot and dash you see has been lovingly converted by hand from the lyrics of your chosen song.

Will you choose to remember your first wedding dance song, a special birthday, 'your song' or even the song that was playing in the delivery room at the birth of your child?

As you remember these special moments in time you will undoubtedly remember the song that was playing right at that very moment.

Every time since then when you hear that song it will take you back to that specific moment in your life. It's almost like having your very own time machine.

Everyone has that certain special song that is meaningful to them so give the gift of a memory with a Bob + Olive morse code art print.

Personalised Solid Spiral morse code song print Morse Code Decoder with packagingPersonalised Solid Starburst Morse Code Song Print
My Grandma
My Grandma

My Story

The idea for my morse code prints stems from when i was 9 years old sitting in my Grandparents house on a cold, rainy winters day in Yorkshire.

I was fed up as I couldn't play outside due to the weather so my Grandma sensing my frustration decided to show me a magical secret code that she had used at work many years before. As the rain bounced off the windows she took out a pencil and a piece of paper and began to write.

I was completely fascinated by the beautiful symbols, dots and dashes and how they were a secret hidden code that only I could decipher. I quickly became hooked.

Years later on another rainy day in Yorkshire I was showing my own children the secret code that my Grandma had shown me and the idea for my morse code prints was born.

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Returns Address

38 Cross Road, Middlestown, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 4QE, GB

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