Inspired by success. Fuelled by giving back. Refreshed by exploring.
Driven by their shared interest in watches, Geoff and Henry, two timepiece enthusiasts from London have been inspired to launch this new, exciting brand.
With a deep belief in equality, Burlingham’s watches are proudly unisex to express a belief in gender parity and the ability to thrive as oneself, no matter who the person, or what their goal.
Designed in partnership with Anglo-Swiss industry experts, the watches put a modern twist on British heritage, taking inspiration from classic tweed fabrics, historical gold sovereigns and much more.
Burlingham chooses to ally personal success with helping others, the watches help to celebrate that alliance. It is for this reason that Burlingham work with Cool Earth - an inspiring charity that works alongside indigenous villages to keep rainforests intact. Every watch sold helps to save 200 metres sqaured of rainforest.
Since launching in 2016, Burlingham have been featured in Men's Health, Esquire and Harpers Bazaar. They are excited to have joined Not on the High Street as a watch brand in March 2017
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Burlingham London Limited, 1st Formations, 71-75 Shelton St, London, London, WC2H 9JQ, GB
Please see's terms & conditions.
Jason Chow
Jamie R
Amanda Moorhouse
Daniel M