The ultimate gift for those happy memories. Listen to any recorded message by scanning the QR code and seeing it as a soundwave too.
Made in our studios in Surrey, our personalised recorded message sound wave prints are the ideal gift for people to remember those big moments in their lives. It might be as simple as the last voicenote or message you received from a loved one, who's passed away, or a baby's first words, or a wedding proposal or just a funny voicenote, which defines your friendship.
Choose from a range of pastel wash colours for the sound wave itself and add any text to go underneath the sound wave. Plus choose from two different styles of fonts - handwritten or typed.
To access the QR no special software, apps. log ins or additional payments are required. Simply open your camera on your phone and hold it up to the QR code on the print. This will reveal a link to play your recording from.
When you have placed your order, simply send us your recording, using the contact seller function. If you can't upload the file, please email the file to [email protected] and quote your order number. Please note that if there is a delay in receiving your recording, your order will not be able to be despatched in the stated time frame. The sooner we receive your recording, the sooner we will be able to get started on it!
Only avalilable on
Choose your size and framing options of:
Unframed: sent in a poster tube (A3 and A4)
Mounted: sent flat and sealed in a cellobag, ready for you to frame at home (A3 only)
A4 Framed: available in high quality satin black and satin white wooden frames with a toughened perspex front.
A3 Mounted and Framed: available in satin black and satin white wooden frames with a mount and perspex front.
A3 Mounted and Framed: available in deluxe satin black and satin white wooden box frames with a mount and glass front.