This Welsh "taster" pack will give your child a good introduction to helping your child learn to write in the precursive style.
- "Starter Star" so the child knows where they should begin
- Directional arrows can be added (select on checkout)
- Suitable for ages 3 years +
- Help your preschooler learn to write their name + practice letter formation
- Wipeable
- Double-sided
4 Mat option (front/back)
- Forename + practice line/ Surname + practice line
- Wiggly tracing lines + Shapes ("starter mat")
- Alphabet tracing (precursive lower case & uppercase)
- Tracing numbers 0-20
6 Mat option (front/back)
- As the 4 mat option with the addition of:
- Tracing and writing numbers: 1-10 (digits, written, practice line, dots)
- Blank practice lines
I agree that the personalisation will be used exactly as I have entered.
Note: Hyphenated names can be used but no spaces between names
This product has been CE tested