This is an ideal gift to send to somebody that adores gardening. Forget me Not Seeds & Floral Gloves.
This pretty gift includes two of our biodegradable seed tubes containing seeds and growing instructions.
Forget Me Nots symbolise true love. These tiny blooms represent a promise that you will remember that person forever.
Myosotis Victoria Rose - A low mound forming variety that is smothered in lovely rose pink flowers in Spring, each bloom accented by a tiny gold eye. A Spring-Flowering favourite. After flowering, discard all but a few plants, in order to produce seed for the following year
.Myosotis Bluesylva - Myosotis can be annuals, biennials or perennials, with simple leaves and clusters of small, blue, yellow or white flowers, with yellow or white eyes, in spring or early summer.
Also included in this gift are a pair of cotton gardening gloves in various designs. (please note the gloves design may vary).
Gift Label included. A gift that keeps on growing.