Blossom is a delicate, colourful dried flower bouquet, featuring shades of pink, blue and green.Dried flowers and foliage include lavender, gypsophila, phalaris, avena oats, sea lavender and rhodanthe daisies wrapped with hessian and acid free tissue paper.
Eco-friendly and fully sustainable.
Handmade by Chloe, founder of Sown and Wild in Wales.
Made from
Dried flowers can last months, so long as they're looked after well, for example, handled with care, out of direct sunlight and away from water and humidity. Some will naturally fade over time. They can collect dust, to remove you can try a hair drier on a cool, slow setting.
**Please note these bouquets are made to order, so will be very similar but not exactly the same as the photos. There may be slight variation in colour and foliage used, depending on the availability of the item.
H35cm x W15cm
Product code