Metal wedding signage adds an individual twist to all celebrations and big days
Our quirky metal titles make a real statement and add to any ceremony.
Many people say that their big day just flashed past and yet with our metal pieces you can keep a part of that day alive. Place your sign in a special place in your home, where you work, in the car, or just keep it in a safe place.
Our Bride & Groom are sold individually so that you can select the combination that suits your life.
They can be tied with linen as ceremony chair backs, or they can be places on a head table along with the happy couple or simply hang them from the wall.
….. and the best part is they become a memory of your special occasion for ever.
Made from mild steel which will rust if placed outside or in a damp environment. To prolong the metal finish, lightly wipe over with an oil every few weeks (WD40 or similar)
Raw metal has an irregular finish