The back of the watch was specifically designed to have the ideal space for an engraving of your choice where we use our proprietary technology along with top-class design to personalise it with the highest quality engraving using your actual own handwriting.
--- Own Handwriting Instructions ---
1. Purchase the watch you would like.
2. Take a piece of paper and in pen write the message you would like.
3. Try to follow the best practice guidelines below.
4. Take a photo of your creation and send it to us
5. That's it! We will do the rest.
--- Handwriting Engraving Best Practice Guidelines ---
- Try and keep it to a maximum of 12 words
- You can draw/write whatever you like, we will touch it up to look amazing and scale it down to fit perfectly on the watch
- We recommend fewer words rather than too many as each word will then be engraved slightly larger