A silver charm made with your loved ones fingerprint.
Capture one or more of your loved ones fingerprints on this gorgeous little charm which is the perfect size to wear on a necklace chain.
The silver fingerprint will be oxidised so you will be able to see the unique loops, whorls and arches of each of the individual and unique fingerprints. You decide how many prints you would like to capture, one or two, side by side.
Suggestion: If the fingerprint is of a child and they are under 18 months old, we suggest you take their print before you order to see if there is any visible definition.
You take prints simply with an ink pad, or better still a soft pencil and paper, we will email you after placing your order to give full instructions on how to take the fingerprint or if you already have a clear print on paper we can use this too. There are clear images in the photos too, showing just how easy the process is using a 3B pencil.
It will take us around 10 - 14 days to make your jewellery after the receipt of usable prints. Fingerprints can be scanned to us (must be high res JPEG) or sent to us by post.