Ablend of two awesome coffees, which combine to produce espresso with a rich chocolatey body, pronounced toffee sweetness and a complex, fruity edge.
We roast more of our house espresso blend that everything else put together. We’re really proud of it. It’s won multiple awards, as well as winning a place in a legion of café’s, and is stocked in countless kitchen cupboards.
Produced by two communities, Posses in Brazil, and currently, Inzovu in Western Rwanda. We take toffee and dark chocolate flavours from the pulped natural from Posses, combine it with some brighter fruit and creamy caramel from the fully washed Inzovu, and the result? A forgiving, flavour-packed blend that’s a perfect introduction to our world of specialty coffee.
Available as 250g or 1kg, and as whole bean or ground for aeropress, cafetiere, chemex, filter, V60 or espresso.