How do I care for my collar and lead to get the most out of them?
One of the reasons we chose Biothane was because of its easy-to-clean properties. Simply sponge-down with water and your collars and leads will be as good as new. You can also add a pet-safe dishwashing detergent to the water for a thorough clean!
The brass hardware we use is high-quality, heavy and durable: it will not rust. However, please note that brass does age naturally over time as it is exposed to water and oxygen. This will not impact the quality or strength of the hardware – only the appearance. The best way to slow down this process is to ensure that once you get home from your adventures, you wipe down the collars/leads and dry them off.
In addition to doing this, we like to use a brass polisher (we use Brasso) regularly to keep our hardware super shiny! Simply take a little piece of the Brasso wadding and buff your hardware pieces in a circular motion until you achieve the desired finish, you should start to see results instantly. The Brasso will not damage the Biothane, should it get on there during the cleaning process as Brasso is actually safe to use with plastics. Rinse and wipe it off with a clean, Brasso-free cloth and your shiny hardware is good to go! Brasso has a strong smell and this process should be done in a well-ventilated room or outside. Ensure that you have thoroughly cleaned the Brasso from your collar/lead, once you have finished the burnishing process as remember, our pooches have a much stronger sense of smell than us!
Please note that we do not take responsibility for any issues which may occur when using Brasso. It is your responsibility to follow the instructions provided on the back of any brass-cleaning product and to take the necessary precautions when using them around your pets.